06 October 2009

Rooted CON: Security Congress

A new security congress is born: Rooted CON

Rooted CON Security Congress will take place in Madrid, March 2010. The call for papers is ongoing! Do you want to join? Send you paper now



Rooted CON is a new Security Congress. Where? Madrid (Spain) on March 2010. The goal is to promote security by offering highly technical talks with a practical approach (theory & demo mix) and neutrality. Although companies are very welcome to participate in the congress the technical and objective approach should be prioritized.

We also want people to participate and enjoy... and even go back home with a prize! Therefore, we will hold various events beyond the talks. One of the most important will be "Capture the Flag" (substantial cash prizes!) which has been by "Sexy Pandas" (infamous finalist team in the traditional "Defcon" CTF).

And of course if you are brave enough you will also have fun by living the beautiful nights of Madrid... partners, family and pets are welcome :-O


Two types of proposals will be considered
- Fast talks: 20min duration
- Normal talks: 50min duration

If you have a crazy/interesting and fresh idea that could be summarized in short time, please don't hesitate and submit a fast talk. If your idea is even crazier and need more time to be explained in depth, go for a normal talk.

We are only accepting submissions in Spanish and English language. We will do our best to have simultaneous translation in the conference room (but we cannot promise at this point: it will depend on budget and sponsors).


All hot topics in the security world are welcome:
- Hacking tools: custom developments
- Defensive and offensive techniques
- Fraud, phishing, trojans, ATMs p0wn, crime...
- RevEngineering, low-level techniques, kernel, vulnerabilities, fuzzing...
- Virtual contexts, clusters, cloud computing...
- Crypto and stego, forennsics
- Mobile (in)security, 3G, wireless, bluetooth, VoIP, phreaking...
- Web applications security
- (please write here your favourite topic)


Would you like to speak at Rooted CON? Please send us your paper and don't forget to make talks illustrative and include demos! :) Applicationd via e-mail to cfp@rootedcon.es
For the talk to be accepted in the initial selection process it should fulfill the described format and *must* include *all* this info:
- Title and topic
- Abstract (should be sufficiently extensive for being correctly evaluated)
- Duration (normal or fast talk?)
- Author (full name and optionally nick/handle)
- Location/nationality
- Bio (some lines defining who you are)
- Facilities needed
- Do you plan t present same or similar talk in another conference? Which one?


October 1, 2009 - CFP starts
December 20, 2009 - CFP deadline
December 31, 2009 - Speakers selected
January 10, 2010 - Final paper and presentation material submitted


Speakers will be given the following benefits:
- Free accommodation
- Free access to the conference
- Travel expenses (if possible)
- Free party tickets/drinks
- Groupies and fan club

More info? http://www.rootedcon.es/

16 July 2009

Nmap 5 in 5 secs

Welcome nmap v5

Just released, still warm from the oven. Cool stuff!

Nmap 5 new features in 5 sentences:
- Ndiff scan comparison, easy to scan daily and report on changes
- Ncat included for data transfer, redirection and debugging
- Zenmap GUI improved + results viewer
- Performance: scan fewer by default while finding more open ports
- Nmap NSE: improved existing scripts and 32 new added

Check this out:

In addtion, we find the official Nmap guide to network discovery and security scanning: "Nmap Network Scanning". In less than 50 pages, from basics to low-level packet crafting methods explained.

¡Gracias Maestro!

25 May 2009

nmap, tell me why

Confused about the states on nmap output?
What do exactly "filtered" or "closed" mean?

On the last BlackHat, Mr Vaskovich presented some of the new nmap features:
top ports, rate limited, packet trace... and reason

Mr Vaskovich, ready to rock

With --reason option activated, the output will show you not only that a port was open or filtered or whatever, but also the reason behind.

Check these two nmaps results out:

$ nmap -T4 mytarget.com
Not shown: 992 closed ports

$ nmap --reason -T4 mytarget.com
Not shown: 992 closed ports
Reason: 992 conn-refused

"Did you ever wonder why a particular port was marked filtered? It might have been because the target didn't respond, or perhaps you received an ICMP Destination Unreachable. Nmap’s new reason reporting causes it to display why it said what it did about a port" [http://tinyurl.com/ospp5p]

So, if you would like to add this valuable information to your output, don't forget to ask him:

hey nmap, tell me why

13 April 2009

OMG: Cisco PIX crashes with hping2

How to crash a PIX/ASA firewall device in 5 seconds

$sudo hping2 –fast -p 22 -w 1518 -S -d 26201 -a [fake_IP_source] [your_PIX]

"A mem
ory leak exists in numerous releases of Cisco PIX and ASA security appliance software. Sending a sufficient number of properly crafted TCP packets to a Cisco ASA or PIX security appliance interface results in a sustained denial of service condition"

Don't be evil!
